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Ghost of Silver
By hoodedizzy
Age 11
ÒWalk on.Ó The girl commanded.
The Pony she was mounted
on stood still. ÒWalk on!Ó She said fiercer. The pony laid his ears back.
ÒPurple! Walk on !Ó The girl practically yelled. The black gelding shook his head
back and fourth. The girl grumbled and turned the pony back to SilverLakes
As the girl Cantered into
the Farm gate, an older man greeted her with a wave and a smile. ÒGood evening
Magnolia!Ó The man called. Mag frowned at being called her full name. ÒSame to
you Mr. Peter!Ó Mag said with a wave. She slowed to a walk when she reached the
Barn Isle. She dismounted and led the Pony to a stall. On the stall door it
said Purple. Mag shook her head and led Purple in. She began to
untack when Mr. Peter came in." What happened?Ó Peter said with a frown.
After he said that he began to walk around Purple. Mag didn't answer until
Purple was untacked. ÒNothing..Ó Mag said looking at the stall floor.
ÒPurple is Stiff. His neck
is sweating.Ó Peter paused and put his hand on Purple's Shoulder. Purple side
stepped. ÒDid you go near that Silver Lake?Ó. Mag shrugged and mumbled ÒI don't
know.. Maybe.. Yes...Ó Mag whispered. ÒMag! I told you it is dangerous to go
there! All horses act up there!Ó. Peter's Shout made Purple and Mag jump.
ÒWhatever..Ó Mag mumbled as she pushed her way out of the stall. Purple
nickered. Mag ignored him and the rest of Peter's shouts.
Later that evening her Dad
had come to pick her up. ÒI smell fear..Ó Her Dad joked as he playfully poked her.
Mag sighed and looked out the window of the car. The short five minute ride was
over. Mag opened the door before the car was turned off. She slammed the door
and ran to her room inside the house. She sat down on the bed, and buried her
eyes into her hands. ÒStupid Purple!Ó Mag sobbed. She stomped the Floor.
For the next few days, Mag
didn't go to Silver Lake Farm. ÒWhats the deal?Ó Mag's Dad said as he put down
his coffee the next morning. ÒPurple got spooked at Silver Lake.Ó Mag mumbled.
She stared down at her plate of Eggs and Bacon. ÒThat's it.Ó Her Dad spoke in a
firm voice. ÒGet Dressed and meet me in the car.Ó With that the dad, put down
his coffee and went outside.
Mag sniffled and went
upstairs. About ten minutes later Mag came down. She had jeans, a purple shirt,
and her riding boots on. She knew where this was going.
Mag's dad had told Mag,
ÒStay in the car.Ó. After that he walked to Ms. Peter's office. Mag slouched
down. She knew this was bad. In ten minutes, Mr. Peter had signaled her to come
into the office. Mag slowly slid out of the car and into the office. When she
entered, Peter was already sitting down again.ÒGo ahead and muck out Purple's
stall. Then feed, groom and tack him.Ó Peter said looking at Mag's dad, and
then Mag. ÒThanks for giving her the job.Ó Mag's dad said as he shook hands
with Peter. ÒPleasure doing business with you Charles.Ó Peter replied as the
man got up and left. Before Mag could disprove, her dad was already headed
home. Peter snapped his fingers. Mag loudly sighed and headed for the barn.
Purple nickered in sight
of Mag. When Mag didn't even smile, he pulled his head back into the stall.
Opening the latch of the stall, Purple walked up and nuzzled Mag. Clipping the
ropes on either side of the Stall to Purple's halter, she began to groom and
tack. ÒDang.. Forget to muck..Ó Mag said as she was leading the Pony out of the
stall. Peter was of course waiting for her outside the barn. Next to Peter was
a tall bay. Peter nodded and mounted the bay. ÒHm..Ó Mag mumbled as she also
mounted. Peter started out at a trot then a canter. Purple tugged at the reins
to canter like Bay. ÒNo!Ó Mag said pulling at the reins. Slowly behind Peter,
they followed at a trot.
5 minutes after Peter, Mag
arrived back at Silver Lake. Purple had stopped, laying his ears flat against
his skull like the first time. Peter was hiding behind a group of tall bushes
with bay. Mag pulled out her crop and gently tapped Purple. Purple side
stepped. ÒGo!Ó Mag yelled at the 14hh pony. Purple slashed forward at a fast
but short canter. Almost plunging into the water Purple stopped. The tip of his
hooves were in the water. Mag sighed and was about to dismount.
Purple neighed almost like
a scream and reared. Mag's leg was hanging out of the stirrup. ÒMr. Peter!Ó Mag
yelled as she tumbled off Purple. She landed on her wrist. A sharp pain flowed
through her arm.